Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear Barack Obama,

Dear Barack Obama,

After learning of your picking Joe Biden as your running mate, my plans to vote for you are off.
Before this they were sketchy.

Your campaign has been about Hope and a better future. Joe Biden is not about hope or about making a better future for our country. He represents (at least for me) the miserable failure of a congress we have had for decades. Decades.

He's also a blowhard who talks loudly and carries no stick:

When Joe Biden (D-DE) was asked recently of planned Democratic actions if the President should make good on his promise to veto of emergency spending bill which Democrats loaded with pork-barrell spending as well as a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq, he replied at one point that “we’re going to shove it down his throat.

He has presided over some 30 years of declining standards of living for Americans.

Barack, you've proven yourself a lightweight. Now it's up to us to hope.


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